dibujo a tinta
"No creo en las revoluciones que cambian el orden de las cosas y no cambian el corazón del hombre."
Corazon Sagrado que alimentas los motores de la vida, que con tu ritmo de reloj regalas el aliento elemental, arreando celulas, creciendo las mareas de la sangre...galopando furiosamente en los pechos desnudos, dando luz...regalando pena, elemento vital del espiritu, regala tu voz de vida hasta que te canses de darnos tu musica.
Este dibujo va dedicado a Alexandros Grigoropoulos, estudiante de 15 años que fue asesinado por la policia de grecia. Tambien a todos los luchadores Griegos y del mundo que en resistencia y repudio han salido a las calles a combatir el estado y el capital!!!
Saludos a todos!!!!
49 comentarios:
Pescador this drawing is extraordinary! The images of death and birth very powerful and the design shows your maturity as an artist. I also like the border and the way you decorated it with ancient symbols. True magic and power....
Milla está aquí en Chile, con su hermosa guatita...
Gracias por regalarnos estas obras de arte. Saludos!
buenísimo ya sabes.
Que cantidad de simbolismo tiene tu cuadro. Me reflejo, envolvió, traspaso,me llevo y me trajo en variadas direcciones.
Gracias por compartirlo.
un abrazo
pareciera que el corazon mismo
hubiera palpitado pinceladas de amor conciente.....
Saludos hermanito
Estimado Peskador, saludos y abrazos, de tus amigos de San Fernando y la Radio Antivero...
No podemos más que ser optimistas, y pensar que la sangre de ese joven griego, unida a la sangre de miles de luchadores sociales, solo están regando de amor la necesaria revolución de las ideas, pero también de los proyectos...
los martires de la lucha nos demuestrán que la lucha no es para beneficio personal, ni siquiera para beneficio próximo, es un proceso enorme, que día a día involucra a más y más personas, a la vez que el poder que nos oprime aprieta más fuerte su puño para retener sus grangerías frutos de la exclusión... pero mientrás más aprieta y se cierra contra si mismo, más se empequeñece, endurece, atrofia, y más y más personas escapan por entre las comisuras de sus dedos...
La muerte menos buscada da más vida, la revolución avanza firme y multitudinaria y veremos radicalzarse la represión, las mentiras,la exclusión... pero como sabes... nunca mucho costó poco!!!
Un abrazo hermano, ojalá y pudieras enviarnos unas palabras, para compartirlas con nuestros hermanos en san fernando... cada vez somos más, y desde siempre somos mejores, no podemos menos que vencer...
atte RG
Paso a saludarte y desearte una Linda Navidad y un Prospero Año Nuevo lleno de amor y salud, cuídate mucho, gracias por la compañía a lo largo de este año, te dejo con mis letras un fuerte abrazo y besos a la distancia. Gracias por la amistad.
La protesta en Grecia sigue, se extiende timidamente por Europa, Barcelona, París,...
de Jorge Teillier
no me acostumbro a ver llegar la tarde,
el vuelo de los tordos, el ruido del canal,
las lágrimas malévolas de los floripondios,
y el dormitar envidiable de los gatos
sin compartirlo con tus ojos azules.
(P.D.: El telegrama lo envío por mano
porque tiene más de once palabras
y no sé escribirte menos que ellas
y por ahora no tengo dinero para escribirte más)
Cariños Pescador desde la Cordillera de los Andes...
muy flashero el dibujo, muy alta frase y la dedicatoria ya q TODOS PODRIAMOS SER ALEXANDROS
ademas me encanta como descrivis poeticamente la circulacion de la sangre y todo eso,,, muy alto posteo
si keres dsp pasate x mi blog
Me has maravillado con esos dibujos...
Feliz 2009
the photo is cool
This picture is very creative and out of the blue and it inspires me and its kinda of wired at first but when you take a closer look at it the picture makes since
what gave you the idea of making this picture?
intiresting because there are a hole lot of pictures on the backround.
Wonderful becauese the pictures are very realistic and it gives me this kind of feling.
creative because it has so many subjects in it.
Victor pulido
It is interesting because there is cool thing's in the picture that reminds me of.
I wonder if the picture is made from someone that made this.
I wonder if the person that made this picture is still alive.
1.It looks like if there are babies are coming out of the heart.
Who decided to come up with this picture?
I wonder if the picture is made from someone that made this
well this drawing is amazing.The thing that i like the most is that like the things that are under are skulls,and the things that on top the ground like trees,animals and all that stuff.I also like this picture because the heart is awesome.I hope one day i can make one of like your drawings.How much time did it took to make the drawing?
This picture looks like if somebody or the person who made this picture could put it up on the wall of hallway.
well this drawing is amazing.The thing that i like the most is that like the things that are under are skulls,and the things that on top the ground like trees,animals and all that stuff.I also like this picture because the heart is awesome.I hope one day i can make one of like your drawings.How much time did it took to make the drawing?
well this drawing is amazing.The thing that i like the most is that like the things that are under are skulls,and the things that on top the ground like trees,animals and all that stuff.I also like this picture because the heart is awesome.I hope one day i can make one of like your drawings.How much time did it took to make the drawing?
i think pancho our teacher of mla made a good picture of a heart but i have a question how long did you take to made that picture and maybe if you can help me to make one of yor pictures
I wonder if he tried to express his feelings?
Why did you make this picture?
1)This is really Interesting because there are a hole lot of pictures on the background.
1)Its interesting because there are a hole lot of pictures on the background.
Hey thanks everybody for the great comments...It's really encouraging to me, see that my art work is reaching you guys, the youth ..the future!
I will try to anwser all the questions....when I start thinking what to do my mind was blank , not really thinking about anything specific, until going trought a book I sow a heart and since hearts are and very old simbol that represents life I decided that it was a good start drawing about life...then life and death are like sister and brother...and when you are born the only real truth is that eventually we are going to die...and in reallity we can talk a lot about death but no one really knows what it's about, but in the contrary we do know what being alive is like, so the heart simbolize that: the present, the beat of life and the connection with nature and all it's creatures - vegetal or animal - life came out of this heart and death came out too. all in one...in fact we are one...we are all earthlinks and we share one thing in commom: life & death. All around are all this simbols from diferents religions, some are also pagan and esoteric simbols that have been around since we exist as hommo sapiens...al this simbols are diferent expresions trought human history about life & death, and they have been shaping human consciencie since day one!
love , respect and peace for you all! and remember let's fight againts injustice always....so that way we can change the world!
Who drew it?
It looks kind of wierd and at the same time kinda cool.I wonder wat they were trying to do?
2.big heart
Who made this picture?
It has babies.
It looks like a heart.
It is not connected.
what is it?
Interesting, Creative, and Awesome!
I really like this drawing, it looks like you were thinking about a lot.
three words that describe it: is it's interesting,awesome,cool. one thing what is it an what does it mean?
what is it ?
it look's wierd and cool
why does it have babies in the air
JuAn gArCiA
there is a hart in the tree and baby's , a elephant n bye the tree there is 2 hands
there is a hart in the tree and baby's , a elephant n bye the tree there is 2 hands
yo pienso que el isa este dibujo porque legusta dibujar y aser lo que piensa y lo exspresa
weird,cool,and very interesting
there is a hart in the tree and baby's , a elephant n bye the tree there is 2 hands
in the pitcher there is a hart in a tree n there is baby's n a elephant n bye the tree there is 2 hands
nice, i just brought lots of some other new emo backgrounds 4 my blog
Ojala y tuvieras la aplicacion para seguir tu blog, tu trabajo me encanto, saludos.
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
me parece hermoso tu dibujo :) te felicito ojala toda la gente que me rodea fuera tan linda como vos
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